Curriculum español     Curriculum inglés

Curriculum Vitae

Foto Ramon MillanI have a MSc in Telecommunications Engineering (1998, 5 years program) at the Valladolid University, a Master in Information Technologies applied to Business (2004, 2 years program) at the Madrid Politechnical University, a MSc in Research and Market Techniques (2009, 5 years program) at the UOC, and a Master in Sustainability and Social Corporate Responsibility (2012, 1 year program) at the UNED and Jaume I University. I have taken also more than 1,450 hours in other courses about telecommunications and computing, business, leadership and management, in different reputated institutions and companies (Achieve Global, Ericsson, Geis, Hewlett-Packard, L&M Data Communications,  Microsoft, UNED, etc.). I have also several certifications, as: ISC2 Cloud Security Certified Professional (CCSP), CSA Cloud Computing Security Knowledge (CCSK), EXIN Cloud Computing, BCS Foundational Certificate in Agile, BCS Essentials Certificate in Artificial Intelligence, TM Forum AI & Data Manager, TM Forum Platform Development Manager, OCI Foundations, OCI Architect Associate, OCI Operations Associate, OCI Developer Associate, Ericsson Datacom Technician, Ericsson Leadership Curriculum...

Regarding languages, I am native spear in Spanish, I have a high level of English and basic level of German.

I have an accumulated experience of more than 26 years in the Telecommunications sector, during which he I have worked in different positions: alliances manager, business development manager, product and solutions manager, customer single point of contact and technical coordinator, systems engineer, software designer and developer, etc. I have worked in companies as: Oracle, Acme Packet, Ericsson, Inad, Iberia Líneas Aéreas de España. Since 2021, I am working for Oracle, as senior manager of the international group answering the RFx of the CGBU (Communications Global Business Unit), covering all the porfolio of products and solutions.

Considering my activities related to the promotion of telecommunications, I have been collaborating for more than 25 years with several telecommunications and computer science magazines (BIT, Computer World, Comunicaciones World, Conectrónica, Manual Formativo, Redes & Telecom, PC World, Programación Actual, etc.) with more than 164 technical and opinion articles, as well as reports and interviews, published at national and international level and receiving awards in events as "Day of Internet". I am also author of 10 books about smarth homes, telecommunication technologies, P2P networks, IP convergence, marketing online, Web programming and mobile services. I have also been proffesor of several courses and seminaries about telecommunications at universities and telecom operators (ONO, Telefónica, Orange, UC3, Vodafone, etc.). Since 2007, I maintain a blog where I analyze and give my opinion about the most interesting information and communication technologies and the latests news of the telecom sector. I have been also very active with telecom and authors associations as COIT (Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación), AEIT (Asociación Española de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación), ACTA (Autores Científico-Técnicos y Académicos), etc.

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Acto de Entrega de Premios del "Día de Internet 2006"

Photo 1: Awards ceremony of Mundo Internet 2006 drived by Julio Linares (Telefónica Group President) and several Ministers of the Spanish Goverment.

Ericsson Roadshow 2009 Outside Ericsson Roadshow 2009 Inside

Photo 2: Presentations with telecom operators and other telecom industry agents in the Ericsson Roadshow Truck 2009.

Huawei CeBIT 2013 Huawei CeBIT 2013 presentator Acme Packet

Photo 3: Presentations with telecom operators and other telecom industry agents in the exposition area of Huawei in CeBIT 2013.